History of the Costarrican Nursing (1974-2017)
an integrative review
Nursing History, Nursing Research, Review, Costa RicaAbstract
The aim of this Integrative review was to analyze the characteristics and contributions of research in the history of Costa Rican nursing (1974-2017), based on their scientific publications. Books and scientific articles in indexed journals were included. The repositories consulted for the survey of the journals were SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE and Google Scholar. The books were located through the University of Costa Rica´s open access public catalog. The results identified seven articles and four books which were published after the year 2000. The themes were mostly related to the development of nursing education and the evolution of vocational practice until its professionalization. As a conclusion, due to the scarce scientific production on this matter, there is a need for a professional and disciplinary awareness on the preponderance of investigating and systematizing the history of Nursing in Costa Rica. In addition, it is of paramount importance the socialization of the findings with other social actors.
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