The Production Of Knowledge Of Nursing Model Nightingaleano

A Narrative Review


  • Mirelle Inácio Soares
  • Neireana Florencio Vieira
  • Deusdete Inácio de Souza Júnior
  • Natália Chantal Magalhães da Silva
  • Zélia Marilda Rodrigues Resck


Nursing, Nursing History, Nursing Theory


The seeds planted by Nightingale subsidies have allowed for advances in knowledge about nursing care. But still, it is perceived that the knowledge of Nursing is limited to closed discussions and before that, eternalizes former and current space occupied by the charge nurse and performance. This study aims to describe the facts about the historical evolution of nursing as well as subsidies
brought this knowledge to the fundamentals of care. This is a narrative review, which brings theoretical contributions involving the historical evolution of nursing; scientific knowledge of nursing along with the contribution of nursing theories. However, it is essential to contextualize that nursing over the years been improving their knowledge in pursuit of the recognition of the profession as a science of care, since the nurse has in its hands the possibility of reflection and mastery of their work process. Therefore, the events on the evolution of nursing science lead us to
consider ways of making the profession, giving greater visibility to the strengthening and enhancement of care.


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How to Cite

Soares, M. I., Vieira, N. F., Júnior, D. I. de S., Silva, N. C. M. da, & Resck, Z. M. R. (2014). The Production Of Knowledge Of Nursing Model Nightingaleano: A Narrative Review. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 5(2), 239–248. Retrieved from




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