Post-graduate in nursing in the University of Brasília

historical aspects of a process of collective construction


  • Elioenai Dornelles Alves
  • Maria Cristina Soares Rodrigues
  • Onã Silva


Education, Nursing, Graduate, History of Nursing, Research


This study is aimed at analyzing the process of construction of the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing (PGPEnf) at the University of Brasilia (UnB). This is a historical research that seeks to register, in recent history, record and reflect on the construction process of building the PGPEnf/UnB, in the period 2008 a 2010. It highlights that the role of historian is not just to remember forgotten facts, but
especially to understand and explain the dynamics of events and how they are interrelated, since historians also rescue the unforgotten process. The goal is to understand even what is difficult to understand. In other words, what make it difficult to understand are not the personal and passionate convictions, but also the historical experience related to training, part of the dream of Brazilian leaders.
Therefore, the authors reflection process share the historical thought writing this, based on three stages, namely: post-graduate contributions in Brazilian nursing; history and plan of institutional development; and the assessed indicators for the construction of the Nursing post-graduate at UnB.


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How to Cite

Alves, E. D., Rodrigues, M. C. S., & Silva, O. (2015). Post-graduate in nursing in the University of Brasília: historical aspects of a process of collective construction. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 6(1), 147–162. Retrieved from




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