Ten years of history
nursing education in marks of west catarinense
Nursing, Education, History of nursingAbstract
This study history-social nature aimed at historicizing the creation and the institutional trajectory of the Graduate Program in Nursing in the city of Palmitos (SC), belongingat the University of the State of Santa Catarina process (UDESC), from 2004 to 2014. As primary sources have consulted documents and testimonials from 18 participants who took part in the ten year history of UDESC, including rectors, pro-rectors, center directors, department heads, teachers, students and graduates. The results show that the nursing course had a beginning marked by many difficulties and has gone through several phases since its creation, presenting significant developments, especially in the temporal structure, teaching and scientific production body. Over the years and the many demands of teachers and academics, it was full of the course transfer to the city of Chapecó. It is considered that the autonomy of the team that is part of this will contribute to the projection of the future of this school, leading to the formation of qualified and trained nursing professionals to work with the network of attention to local and national health, and that the memories of that first, surrounded by an ideology of “breaking”, were instrumental in this construction.
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