Eduardo Ribeiro Psychiatric Center

Revisiting History and Sharing Memories


  • Sandra Greice Becker
  • Jussara Gue Martini
  • Andréa Barbará da Silva Bousfield
  • Prisca Dara Lunieres Pêgas Coêlho


Psychiatric Nursing, Mental Health, Social Behavior


This study aims to identify and register the memories that are part of the Social Representations of Workers in a Psychiatric Hospital in Manaus, Brazil. The qualitative approach was adopted to interview 24 professionals with an average time of 20 years of work in the institution. The results were analyzed with Bardin method, the content was analyzed and categorized into two distinct periods in the history of the institution. First, the period between 1970-1980, when the salient features of the memories about the care highlight aspects such as fear, insecurity, structural instability and human resources, being careful remembered as (un) human. And later, between 1980-1990, when the workers point memories of a shared care, with the inclusion of labor activities and reforms in the physical structure of the institution. It was concluded that revisit the memories of workers allowed us to think in new ways, seeking new paths where science and care move the measure that certainties and fixed concepts of the crisis, diseases, disorders, and mental illness moving the eyes of those who seek a healthy life in everyday life.


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How to Cite

Becker, S. G., Martini, J. G., Bousfield, A. B. da S., & Coêlho, P. D. L. P. (2017). Eduardo Ribeiro Psychiatric Center: Revisiting History and Sharing Memories. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 8(1), 07–17. Retrieved from



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