Vestiges of the historiography of madness in Barbacena in the story "Sorôco, his mother, his daughter" from the perspective of the New Cultural History


  • Érika Bicalho de Almeida Almeida
  • Julieta Brites Figueiredo
  • André Luis Brugger e Silva
  • Luiz Henrique Chad Pellon
  • Wellington Mendonça de Amorim


Madness, Train, Literature, History


Objective: To analyze from the point of view of the New Cultural History the vestiges of the madness in Barbacena in the tale of João Guimarães Rosa “Sorôco, his mother, his daughter”. Methodology: The methodological course contemplates the universe of the New Cultural History, based on the representations and appropriations presented in this field, by the historian Roger Chartier. Three thematic categories were highlighted: The representations of madness in the “train of crazy”; The trace elements of madness present in the acts of the two women; Living with madness under Sorôco’s gaze. Discussion: The train is described by Guimarães Rosa as an inhospitable place, full of marks of sadness of the relatives that each trip of the train embark their relatives that will not return more. He compares wagons full of bars to a prison. The author proposes to characterize the madness in the gestures, way of dressing and acts of the two personages, who as coadjuvantes, composed the representation of the madness of the time. Final Thoughts: The feelings presented by the author in the story are present today, the society is still unworthy with such a singing and expression of the so-called “crazy”, “mad”, “alienated.” The trains have no more cells, but their
representations, the images formed in the imaginary about the historical fact can not be extinguished.


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How to Cite

Almeida, Érika B. de A., Figueiredo, J. B., Silva, A. L. B. e, Pellon, L. H. C., & Amorim, W. M. de. (2017). Vestiges of the historiography of madness in Barbacena in the story "Sorôco, his mother, his daughter" from the perspective of the New Cultural History. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 8(2), 84–93. Retrieved from



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