Poltical Participation of nursing students in Mexico
Actors opinion
Objective: Studying factors that have influenced in the political participation of nursing students in Mexico in the second decade of the XXI century. Methodology: Is an exploratory, qualitative, and interpretive study, based on the Sociology of Professions and structural functionalist focus; The study population consisted of eight nurses, the content analysis was performed through an open categorization defining four categories: 1) Characteristics of nursing students, 2) Attitudes of nursing students during their training, 3) Teaching of Professors and 4) Reflections on the rare political participation of nursing students. Results: These results are imbuing with the experiences and experiences of participants; however, they conclude that their participation and political attitudes have a basis in the training and influence of teachers, in the study it reflects their concern for the new generations of nurses have the possibility of acquiring new visions. Conclusions: With these results allow us recognizing the policy of nursing students is a pending issue in Mexico, a fact that allows us to reconsider the notion of service of nursing personnel, reaffirming, and disseminating the social importance of the profession.
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