Autonomy of Nursing and its Trajectory in the Construction of a Profession


  • Stéfany Petry
  • Charles Alberto Teixeira Filho
  • Maiara Mazera
  • Dulcinéia Ghizoni Schneider
  • Jussara Gue Martini


Professional Autonomy, History of Nursing, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Services


It aims to articulate theoretical and conceptual aspects of the profession, discipline and work in order to base the refl ection on the autonomy of the nurse in the development of her profession. This is a reflective, descriptive study based on literature review and qualitative approach. Relationships and contrapositions are made on the autonomy of nursing permeating the history and the social context in which the profession is embedded. Nursing to rescue and empower their professional autonomy needs to incorporate the nursing process and its theoretical references into their care actions, as well as to develop research that supports new interventions and the support of health managers who recognize and defend their occupation area. This study of reflection will point out the need for a training centered on the assumptions of nursing science; legislation that extends the prescriptive authority of nurses to work in the promotion and maintenance of different body systems; the consolidation of partnerships with health managers that defend the autonomy of Brazilian nurses and the free act and think of their professional performance.


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How to Cite

Petry, S., Filho, C. A. T., Mazera, M., Schneider, D. G., & Martini, J. G. (2019). Autonomy of Nursing and its Trajectory in the Construction of a Profession. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 10(1), 66–75. Retrieved from




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