Female nurses in the Coronavirus pandemic context
Reflections in the light of Foucauldian thought
COVID-19, Philosophy, Nursing, Women, Working, Anthropology, Cultural, History of NursingAbstract
Introduction: this is a reflective study, based on the Coronavirus pandemic context related to the workforce of female nurses. Objective: to reflect on the professional performance and on the power relations involving female nurses in the COVID-19 pandemic context, in the light of the Foucauldian theoretical framework. Method: analysis of such theme was performed through a bibliographic research. Results: the results point to the relevance of rethinking to which extent the power relations between men and women are still strengthened in society and how such understanding is transferred to the nucleus of professions which are mostly practiced by women, as is the case with Nursing. Final considerations: in the current pandemic context, such professions need to transcend the figures of heroines and angels to attain social recognition and professional appreciation.
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