Human Simulation Manikin In The Laboratory Of Nursing
A Literature Review
Manikins, History of Nursing, Education, NursingAbstract
The manikin enables the development of psychomotor skills of students, making them more confident to provide safe care to patients. The objective was to identify the historical trajectory of the dummy in the world and its influence on Brazilian nursing teaching. We performed a literature review on national and international databases. In the world, technological development and the need for simulation in situations of risk have influenced its use in nursing, first in the 1910s, becoming popular in the 1950s in the United States, where it denoted evolution for medium and high fidelity dummies. In Brazil, since 1920, there are records of the use of mannequins in various traditional schools of nursing, noting its vanguard position of ownership of Anglo-American model. However, it has been recovered a few national results of scientific studies, showing the treatment more pragmatic than scientific, teaching stagnant in the use of low-fidelity mannequins.
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