Florence Nightingale as a theme in the teaching of nursing history


  • Pacita Geovana Gama de Sousa Aperibense
  • Aline Teixeira Marques Figueiredo da Silva Silva


Nursing, Nursing History, Nursing teaching, Wars, Biography


Florence Nightingale is a unique personality in the history of women. Her highlight is the contribution she made to the world in building professional bases for nursing as well as for biostatistics. Objectives: to list the syllabus taught on Florence Nightingale's biography in Undergraduate Nursing Courses and discuss its importance for the formation of professional identity. Method: Documentary study that used as sources the Lesson Plan on the character Florence Nightingale taught by teachers from seven Higher Education Institutions. The analysis and discussion were carried out in the light of authors dealing with the teaching of history and by Claude Dubar's social identity and professional identity. Results: Nightingale's biography is treated in all the programs of the courses studied, with emphasis on his achievements in the Crimean war and the consequences for the professionalization of nursing, the transdisciplinarity based on this theme is also evident. Final considerations: the biography shows the legacy of Nightingale as a precursor of modern nursing and allows to evidence the relationship of professional identity and social identity of nursing.


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How to Cite

Aperibense, P. G. G. de S., & Silva, A. T. M. F. da S. (2020). Florence Nightingale as a theme in the teaching of nursing history. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 11(Esp), 1–13. Retrieved from https://periodicos.abennacional.org.br/here/article/view/63



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